Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dudes Dress Like Chicks To Get Dudes?

Holy hell. The future is an interesting place. It's a land where sometimes co-workers dress like women and other co-workers try to kiss them and you're able to document it all via a small digital box, only to place it for hilarity's sake on the world wide web.

In spite of the global economic crisis, I used a time travel machine known as "an airplane" and traveled Back to the Past, 'merica. It was a land where I again fell in love with my literacy—only to later be reminded that being illiterate in the future is a nice form of escapism. It's also a land of wispy mullets, mud flaps, women saying "like", people trying to put too much body into their clothes, nauseating strip malls, complete language comprehension, inane questions such as "Are there tomatoes in China (the future)?" and thankfully beer. Lots of sweet, sweet beer.

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